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My Soul Mantra Blog

  • Natural Sunstone Crystal Benefits, Uses

    Natural Sunstone Crystal Benefits, Uses

    Sunstone is a beautiful and unique crystal known for its sparkly appearance and warm, fiery energy. Here are some potential benefits associated with natural Sunstone crystals: Joy and Positivity: Sunstone is often associated with bringing joy, light, and positive energy...

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  • Natural Ruby in Kyanite Pyramid Benefits

    Natural Ruby in Kyanite Pyramid Benefits

    Ruby in Kyanite is a unique combination of two minerals, each with its own set of properties. Ruby is associated with passion, vitality, and courage, while Kyanite is known for its calming and balancing qualities. When shaped into a pyramid,...

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  • Kambaba Jasper Crystal Benefits

    Kambaba Jasper Crystal Benefits

    Kambaba Jasper, also known as Crocodile Jasper or Green Stromatolite Jasper, is a unique and striking stone known for its dark green orbicular patterns. When shaped into a pyramid, Kambaba Jasper may offer various benefits. Here are some potential uses...

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  • Natural Yellow Aventurine Crystal Benefits

    Natural Yellow Aventurine Crystal Benefits

    Yellow Aventurine is a variety of Aventurine, a form of quartz characterized by its sparkly appearance due to the presence of mineral inclusions. It typically has a yellow or golden color, and when shaped into various forms, such as pyramids,...

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  • Natural Black Tourmaline Crystal Benefits

    Natural Black Tourmaline Crystal Benefits

    Black Tourmaline is a powerful and protective crystal that is often used for its various metaphysical properties. When shaped into a pyramid, these properties may be further emphasized. Here are some potential benefits associated with natural Black Tourmaline pyramids: EMF...

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  • Natural Sodalite Crystal Benefits, Why to use?

    Natural Sodalite Crystal Benefits, Why to use?

    Sodalite is a beautiful blue mineral that is often used as a gemstone or carved into various shapes, including pyramids. Here are some potential benefits associated with natural sodalite pyramids: Enhanced Communication: Sodalite is believed to support effective communication, both...

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  • What is a lava stone? What are the benefits?

    What is a lava stone? What are the benefits?

    Lava stone, also known as volcanic rock or basalt, is a type of igneous rock that is formed from volcanic eruptions. It has become popular in various applications, including jewelry, aromatherapy, and landscaping, due to its unique properties. Here are...

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  • Tiger eye stone & it's benefits?

    Tiger eye stone & it's benefits?

    Tiger's Eye is a well-known and widely used crystal that is a form of quartz with fibrous inclusions of crocidolite, resulting in its characteristic chatoyant appearance. The stone is named for its resemblance to the eye of a tiger, with...

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